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Marvin Minsky, AI, Math Education

The audio is too good to make this a gif.

So, to be clear, this is the blog post for THURSDAY, 1/28. If you are looking for Tuesday's post, go back a post.

I wanted to mention to you all that a mathematician and artificial intelligence researched named Marvin Minsky died on Sunday. Among lots of amazing things he did in his life, he wrote about math education for the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project. Here is that article; I'd like you to read it for homework.

Speaking of death, check out this amazing visualization!

Finally, for classwork, I would like you to go back to Tuesday's blog post, and comment on other people's homework. Specifically do you like the charts they chose? Are they interesting? Any feedback?


IMPORTANT: Pick which 5 (or more) variables that you will track for the Feltron project. Think about how you will keep track of them - pen and and notebook? The Reporter App? A pedometer?

Also, that Marvin Minsky article is really interesting, and I recommend it. But I won't check.


Quantum Dranger said…

Found some really cool "data visualizations". I'm kinda debating if they actually count as charts due to their innovative design.
Unknown said…

just so you know, I;m emmy
Unknown said…
This is Lola! It won't let me sign into my real google account for this comment and it's saying I'm this :(
Unknown said…
This is a link.
Unknown said…
Unknown said… this is jonah :)
Unknown said…

Unknown said…
Didn't like a lot of the charts so there is only one :P
Unknown said…

Unknown said…
Hi this is Katelyn!