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Khan Academy, Tuva Labs, Tuesday 1/12

So, there was a bit of a miscommunication/misunderstanding. I thought only last Tuesday's class was from 9:30-10:30, but it turns out that is the case for every Tuesday class... unexpected!

Anyway, because of that, and a meeting at my other job, I will not be here for some of class. Here is the plan:

  1. Sign up for Khan Academy if you do not have an account or can't get into it
  2. Go to
  3. There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code V6ZGZG
  4. In a new tab, go to Tuva Labs
  5. Click "Sign Up" in the upper-right
  6. The class code is qs0i7
  7.  You are now signed up for the accounts you need!
Hopefully I was able to guide everyone through that. Now, you are gonna be SUPER CHILL for Liz as she keeps an eye on you.


