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Google Sheets


Check it out: this message is being pulled from a Google sheet and inserted here, will like five lines of JavaScript (give it a second to load if you don't see it yet):

So, just another example of how amazing Google Sheets, and the internet in general is. (If you're curious (meaning, if you want you can ignore all the stuff here in parentheses), here is the sheet it is being pulled from, and you can hit CTRL+SHIFT+C to go to the "Inspect Element" screen, and look for a Script tag). tag, which tells the page how to do stuff (in this case, pull information from a Google Sheet). It uses Sheetsu).

Today Todo

  1. We survey the class to find each person's
    • Name
    • Height
    • Age
    • Foot size in inches (no need to measure, just use this chart)
  2. Everyone makes a Google Sheet where a ROW represents a student, and COLUMNS represent attributes of the student (their name, height, age, and foot size).
  3. Make two new rows at the end, for MEAN STUDENT and MEDIAN STUDENT. The value of each column should be the MEAN and MEDIAN (respectively) of the values above it.
  4. Make some charts - have at least 3 when you turn it in. They should make sense and be well labeled.
