- Ready to track data? If not, talk to me during classwork time, which is most of class.
- What you believe about intelligence matters. If you tell yourself:
- "I suck at ..."
- "I'm just not good at..."
- "Some people just can't..."
...then you are lying to yourself and making your life harder. People are good at things because they work at them. It is easy to believe that others were born with a skill, or that if you are bad at something now, it means you aren't smart. That's not true. Being bad at something is step 1 to being good at it... Just a friendly reminder.
- So, hopefully everyone got Khan Academy set up. If you didn't, sit quietly for a few minutes and I will get to you - first, I want the people who did their homework to be able to start the classwork.
- This review exercise (get 5 right): Mean, Median, Mode
- This Topic, The Coordinate Plane, which is made up of exercises and videos
- You need to do the exercises - there are 6
- You can watch the videos if you need help, when you are at home, or ask me, if you're in class and it's the right time
- K.A. may make you do some sort of skills test. Just go with it.
Finish the seven exercises for homework by Thursday.