Question: Who has a Google/Gmail account?
Keep working on what we started yesterday:
Sign into Khan Academy, and do the following exercises (there are related videos if you need a refresher):
- This review exercise (get 5 right): Mean, Median, Mode
- This Topic, The Coordinate Plane, which is made up of exercises and videos
- You need to do the exercises - there are 6
- You can watch the videos if you need help, when you are at home, or ask me, if you're in class and it's the right time
- K.A. may make you do some sort of skills test. Just go with it.
- If you finish early, I have something you can do to help me out - (list of what's being reported, GForms for all) - ask me what that means, I just didn't want to forget.
Finish the seven exercises for homework by next class, Thursday.