Good morning!
Today, I would like to accomplish two goals: I'd like to show you the app Reporter (just in case you change your mind about using a notebook), and I would like you to learn a few skills related to graphing: plotting points, identifying quadrants of a graph, and identifying correlation in scatter plots.
1) let's all look at this cool app
2) plotting intro
3) quadrants intro
4) correlation
5) mathsketball practice of the above concepts
No extra homework, just finish this by Thursday. We will also finish up planning the Feltron (TMS-o-tron? Samtron? Somethingtron?) assignment parameters by next Monday.
Here is a bonus gif - this is my sister's favorite Simpson's clip!
Her name (my sister's) is Rachel, and she is awesome. Here is her work picture - she is a manager at Airbnb:
