Here's the plan:
- Proposal: can each class start with everyone reading the blog to see what the agenda is?
- Convey how stoked I am to teach this class! This is going to be a really good time.
- Berate you for the names you chose for this class. Really, "US History" was the best option, but I feel like that could be confusing. So activity:
- come up with a class name!
- If I were to ask you to bring a laptop to class every day, could you?
- Note: I shared a folder with you on Google Drive called Math2014/2015. We can put all files for this class in there. It is shared to the Google accounts I had for each of you, so if you changed your email from last year, let me know.
- Go over responses to last class' survey.
- Briefly, everyone wants to learn some different stuff, but there's overlap. I think we can do this, content-wise. I have an idea for a long-term project/goal for the end of the year (it's gonna rock), and it will require that we document what we do quite thoroughly. So in the spirit of both documenting well, and in treating me like a boss, your assignment (in class and at home):
- Submit a professional-looking report to me with:
- Your name and grade and school
- My name and position
- The class name
- A reasonable title
- A more-detailed version of the information you submitted for the last assignment, organized by reasonable sections, such as:
- Introduction
- Content
- Assignments
- Grading and Weights (How much does each assignment type count)
- Also may want to include: helpful charts or tables (a pie chart for the grading section, for example)
- Due dates:
- Content due tomorrow, 9/16/2014
- Tomorrow in class we will work on making it better and making it professional-looking
- The final thing will be due Thursday, 9/18/2014
- By Submit, I mean "save it in the Google Drive folder I shared with you"
If you need to contact me, my phone is 818.590.0484 and my email is