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Math Class 2014/2015

I couldn't stay away!

First Day Notes:

I want you to have freedom (that is, you pick the curriculum) within constraints (the topics have to be at least related to math). I want you to feel like this is your class. If that means people learn different topics, so be it.

My Dream:

If it works with how you want the class to be structured, I would like this to be a meta-learning experience. What do I mean by that? (From Wikipedia):

The prefix meta- is used to mean about (its own category). For example, metadata are data about data (who has produced them, when, what format the data are in and so on). In database metadata are also data about data stored in a data dictionary and describes information (data) about database tables such as the table name, table owner, details about columns, – essentially describes the table. Also, metamemory in psychology means an individual's knowledge about whether or not they would remember something if they concentrated on recalling it. The modern sense of "an X about X" has given rise to concepts like "meta-cognition" (i.e. cognition about cognition), "meta-emotion" (i.e. emotion about emotion), "meta-discussion" (i.e. discussion about discussion), "meta-joke" (i.e. joke about jokes), and "metaprogramming" (i.e. writing programs that manipulate programs).

So meta-learning means learning about learning. What, exactly then is the main goal I propose?

After this class, I would like you to be better at going from "I am interested in topic" to "I know where and how to learn about topic" to "I know topic".

Which is a nice-sounding goal... But there are a lot of details.


Dictated by Sam:
  1. You will do work at home and in class.
  2. You will receive a grade based on the work.
To be decided:
  1. What will the class be called?
  2. What will you learn?
  3. Based on what types of assignments will I evaluate you (homework, projects, quizzes, tests, other...)?
  4. How will grades for different assignment types be combined into one overall grade?


Saying I will teach you anything is pretty useless, because you don't necessarily know what you want to learn, because if you did,  you would know something about it (namely, that you don't know it). So here are

Possible Topics:

TopicExampleWhyWhy Not
Algebrasolving and graphing hard-looking equationsYou will do better on math placement tests and not have to repeat Algebra I. It comes in handy is necessary to do science or business or other math.Can be boring
GeometryFind the circle that does through 3 random points - can you always do this? how?It is awesome. It has been the standard of math for literally thousands of years. It is shapes and stuff, way different than most math. You will be 2 years ahead in math.You will be two years ahead in math. You will learn it anyway next year.
CodingMake a game that you can play in a browser. (Scratch is cool). Make a program that does a certain type of math homework problem for you.Did you read those examples? Do you not like fun, or when things are easier? It's a skill that helps you do other things, and get jobs.You already spend too much time on a computer, probably.
Number theory, set theory, vectors, other advanced math topicsIs there a largest prime number? Are there different sizes of infinity? You will feel really smart. It will probably make you smarter to think about these things. It is hard.People won't believe you've done it. You won't see it again for quite a long time unless you pursue it.
All of the above!see above!they're all awesome!time :(


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