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The Impossible Chess Board

Super excited for this geometry project.  Jobs are assigned, and I have high hopes about the finished product.

Also, since students are interested in LaTeX, I gave the handout with the latex code, which looks like:

% Geometry first project - make a chess board illusion like on the cover of their textbook

% Default margins are too wide all the way around. I reset them here
\title{(Im)possible Chess Board}
\author{\em Course: \rm Geometry\\
\em Instructor: \rm Sam Havens \\ \\
Topanga Mountain School}
\noindent \em As a group, we will construct an apparently impossible chess board, modeled after the cover of \underline{Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding}.  The division of labor will (ideally) reflect student interest.
\\ \\
\bf I envision each student taking on one of the following responsibilities:
%\begin{itemize} this was from when the items were numbered.
\item[Construction] Constructing the board, including scale drawing.
\item[Measure] Measuring what angle maximizes the illusory effect.  Figuring out how this relates to the design of the board.
\item[Computation] Finding relevant areas, drawing diagrams, and writing up the a summary of the concepts and actions taken.
\item[Research] Researching other optical illusions and providing a document which includes examples, explanations, and diagrams.
\item[Leadership] Provide extra help, when needed, to the other four positions.  Build consensus and morale, direct workflow, and arrange pieces into final presentation (poster?).
\\ \\
\em Fill in the following: \\ \\
\rm Name: \\ \\
Responsibility: \\ \\
Tasks I Need to Complete (write date it will be completed by underneath):



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