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Showing posts from 2013

Post-Algebra Unit 2 Calendar

Unit 2: Creating vs. Consuming Oct 21   unit intro - get into new groups warmup - isolating a variable QUIZ concepts 9-11 concept 12 - solving quadratics hw - KA - “Using the Quadratic Formula” “Solving Quadratics by Factoring” “Solving Quadratics by Completing the Square 1” “Solving Quadratics by Completing the Square 2” DUE Oct 24 22 warmup - concepts 10-12 Solving quadratics practice. Probably need help on CTS. hw - see yesterday 24 warmup - concepts 10-12 QUIZ concepts 10-12 Concept 13 - Solving Higher-degree polynomials. Factoring sum/difference of cubes. HW - KA - Watch Dividing Polynomials and all videos on synthetic division. 25 BRIEFLY introduce i as something that lets you turn -9 into 3i. CW - KA: Quadratic Formula with Complex Solutions. Go over synthetic division. HW - solve x4+x3+8x+8 = 0. 28 warmup -  lead them through a problem similar to HW. how to solve quartics OTF ax4+bx2+c =0 by solving for x2using

Algebra Unit 2: Creating VS Consuming Calendar

Oct 21   unit intro - get into new groups warmup - basic absolute value questions learn absolute value equations (concept 9). might have to review what absolute value is. hw - KA- Absolute value equations 22 warmup - radical equations QUIZ concepts 7-9 Absolute value equations work hw - KA- finish Absolute value equations if you haven't taken the KA pretest, DO SO 24 & 25 warmup - inequality symbols simple inequality equations (concept 10) HW - KA one step linear inequalities & multi-step linear inequalities & Inequalities on a number line 28 warmup - absolute value equations QUIZ concepts 8-10 simple inequality graphs hw - KA watch "compound inequalities" 1-4 29 warmup - simple inequalities and graphs solving compound inequalities (concept 11) hw - KA compound inequalities by Nov 4 31 FIELD TRIP FOR HALLOWEEN Nov 4 warmup - fraction equations Compound inequalities grou