That was too cool not to show you.
Anyway, today I want to talk about any thoughts you have about any relationships between things we've talked about so far:
- Where are they
- "Why I hope the search for ET life finds nothing"
- existential threats to humanity
- What is AI?
- The effects of AI and other technological changes on the human condition
- Ontology and Epistemology (What is and what can be known)
- Ethical systems like Utilitarianism
I'd like to go more in depth this week on rule-based ethical systems (deontological ethics), then talk about the ethics of human enhancement.
This company tried to graph out what happens inside neural nets... the results look a lot like life. It's pretty shocking(ly cool):
"Many of the images created by Graphcore, which are technically graphs, are based on Microsoft's ResNet – a neural network that won the ImageNet classification competition in 2015. Since then, other ResNets have been developed. This image shows the full training graph for Microsoft Research ResNet-34 architecture hosted on Graphcore's IPU from December 2016. The image is coloured to highlight the density of computation resulting the glowing centre in the convolutional layers of the graph"
"The forward pass of the ResNet-34 computer vision architecture running on Graphcore's IPU. The layers of the neural network are visible, with the connections between them shown in the centre of the image"