Hey! Let's start out the day by recording data for the Feltron, if you haven't already. Then let me know where you are, homework-wise. Now let's talk correlation vs. causation. Correlation When two things change together, we can use a fancy word and say they are correlated. When things are correlated, if we know one, we automatically know the other, at least somewhat. Here's what I mean: If I tell you that a human exists, you don't know much about their weight. The smallest baby ever born (and survive), Rumasia Rahman, weighed a little more than 0.5 pounds (lbs). Jon Brower Minnoch, on the other hand, was the heaviest person ever, and weighed 1,400 lbs at his heaviest. That means that if all I tell you about someone is that "they are a person", and ask "what do you think they weigh?" you only know they weigh between 0.5 lbs and 1,400 lbs - though they probably weigh somewhere in between, 100-200 lbs. However, if I tell you that the ...