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Monday 9/28

9/28/15 Monday

Check in: Friday class & Homework


  • As long as we’re talking climate change...
    • If someone tells you they don’t believe humans are causing it, you might want to ask them if smoking is bad for you. Why? There is as much evidence that humans are causing global warming as there is evidence that smoking causes cancer (you don’t have to click that link, I just like to put it up).
    • Anyway, here’s a chart:
      • gas_graph1.jpg
      • It is entitled “Breakdown of the anthropic greenhouse gas emissions by gas, in billion tons carbon equivalent, in 2004” - it is a breakdown of the greenhouse gases emitted in 2004 that humans are responsible for.
      • What’s the biggest greenhouse gas?
    • What’s all that CO2 doing, and where does it go?
      • A lot of it goes into the ocean, which seems better than the air, and it is... up to a point. The more CO2 in the ocean, the more acidic it gets (And the more acidic it gets, the lower its ph gets). That is fine... until it’s not. At some point, the acidity will start to kill fish.
      • If we want to see if the ocean is getting more acidic, we need to compare the ph to what?
      • If we want to see if the acidity of the ocean is related to CO2 emissions, what do we put on the chart?
  • That was a downer. We need some animated movies!
    • Which studio made the two highest-profit movies?
    • What were those movies?
    • Before 2004, which studio’s movies always made a bigger profit?
    • What were some of the highest-rated movies (use average rating)?
For homework, fill out the "Understanding Charts" survey for each of these charts (drought, CO2, Pixar/Dreamworks), from the last two classes! one, two, three times, one for each!
