I couldn't stay away! First Day Notes: I want you to have freedom (that is, you pick the curriculum) within constraints (the topics have to be at least related to math). I want you to feel like this is your class. If that means people learn different topics, so be it. My Dream: If it works with how you want the class to be structured, I would like this to be a meta-learning experience . What do I mean by that? (From Wikipedia): The prefix meta- is used to mean about (its own category). For example, metadata are data about data (who has produced them, when, what format the data are in and so on). In database metadata are also data about data stored in a data dictionary and describes information (data) about database tables such as the table name, table owner, details about columns, – essentially describes the table. Also, metamemory in psychology means an individual's knowledge about whether or not they would remember something if they concentrated on recalling it. Th...