September 16
intro to year and unit
set up notebooks/binders (notes, returned work, blank paper)
groups and seating (interdependence groups for the unit)
functions vs relations
functions in table form
hw - KA “recognizing functions” (concept 1)
warmup - from a table - is it a function?
function notation notes. What is a function? Function machines. how to plug into a function - what is input, output.
hw - KA understanding function notation (need to “add to dashboard” now) (concept 2)
warmup - is it a function? & evaluating some functions
QUIZ - concepts 1 & 2
graphing functions - points as (x, f(x)), tables.
hw - KA Evaluating expressions with function notation. (concept 3 - graphs of functions)
Warm up - find f(x) from graph + evaluate one
Set-builder notation as it applies to domain and range - lecture, examples, work problems from sullivan (need to make copies). Mainly, classwork should be translating into set builder notation.
HW - KA watch at least 3 videos at the bottom right of the Domain of a Function popup.
Warmup - set builder notation problems
QUIZ - concepts 1-3
using set builder notation in domain and range of functions.
hw - KA Domain of a function. (concept 4)
Warmup - domain and range in setbuilder + find function values from graph.
QUIZ - concepts 1-4
compositions of functions - examples and classwork.
hw - KA Evaluating composite functions (concept 5)
warmup - composite functions & setbuilder
QUIZ - concepts 3-5
concept - function inverses. f(x) = 3x, g(x) = x/3, f(x) = x^2, g(x) = x^(1/2), etc.
practical - if f(x) = 2x - 1, then switch the names and x = 2f(x) -1; solve for f(x) to get inverse.
hw - KA inverses of functions (concept 6)
October 1
warmup - find some inverses
QUIZ concepts 4-6
concept 7 - Even and Odd functions
HW - SULLIVAN identify even, odd functions. (concept 7)
warmup - identify functions as even or odd & domain and range in setbuilder.
QUIZ concepts 5-7
concept 8 - linear equations in function notation.
practical - word problems & linear vs nonlinear in graphs, tables and equations.
HW - KA linear and nonlinear functions (concept 8)
warmup - linear or nonlinear and composite functions
QUIZ concepts 6-8
concept 9 - Rates of Change - slope as rate of change and comparing them
hw - KA comparing linear functions & KA comparing linear functions applications
warmup - linear functions rate of change comparison & even or odd functions
QUIZ concepts 7-9
concept 10 - solving radical equations - substitution if they need it.
hw - KA radical equations
warmup - solving radical equations & linear/nonlinear equations
QUIZ concepts 8-10
concept 11 - Isolating a variable -
hw - KA Solving equations in terms of a variable
Ok, today didn't go exactly as planned. If you saw the blog post I had up planned for today... we will get to that, but I incorrectly estimated how long some work would take you. Not your fault. You guys just move so fast through most material! You are working on the Statistical Studies topic on Khan Academy. It is not easy. That is okay. You don't have to get frustrated, or discouraged, or stressed. If it takes longer than I thought it would, I'll give you more time. Some good insights from the classwork: Go straight to the exercises, but go back to the videos if you are stuck If the videos feel too long, you can speed up playback (in the options menu, click the gear button). 1.25x isn't even noticeable. 1.5x is, but if you listen for a while you get used to it and can switch to 2x An "experiment" involves splitting a subset of the population you are looking at into two groups: one called the "control", who don't do anything diff...