We could totally go to Mars, we just need to demand our governments prioritize space travel over expenses like killing brown people. But, since that seems to be impossible, we can support companies that are doing it on the chance they might get rich . The company in that article, SpaceX, makes rockets for NASA, the military, and other countries. It's owned by the same guy who owns Tesla, Elon Musk... Who recommends everyone read Nick Bostrom. He thought we needed to get off Earth to reduce the risk of extinction, so he made a company to do that; he was worried about climate change, so he made Tesla, with the plan of making the internal combustion engine irrelevant in a few decades; he also made Solar City, to get more people to use solar power. What I'm getting at is, he saw problems in the world, and they scared him, but he did something about it. His plans are working, too, because he is smart and hard-working. I think you all have the potential to impact the world like ...
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