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Showing posts from September, 2011

Algebra Concept / Video List

If you are in my Algebra 1 class at TMS, and you've lost your concept list, here it is (only through concept 15): Algebra 1 Concept List / Corresponding Kahn Academy Videos 1 Integer Operations PA: +/- negative numbers & PA: mult/div negative numbers 2 Simplifying Expressions None- Sam Lecture 3 Evaluating Expressions DM1: Variables and expressions Evaluating expressions with two variables Evaluate a formula using substitution Evaluating a polynomial at a given value 4 Two-Step Equations ALG: Equations 2 5 Multi-Step Equations DM1: Multi-step equations 1 6 Translate Expressions none – Sam Lecture 7 Fraction Busters DM1: Multi-step equations 2 8 Proportions DM1: Understanding ...

Christoffel Symbols

I wondered what they meant all summer... I want this to sink in so I am writing it down: "In general, the Christoffel symbols of a coordinate system measure the failure of its coordinate vector fields to be parallel." - O'Neill Why couldn't they just come out and say  that to begin with?

Everything's Free! The New Algebra Class

I wouldn't go anywhere near saying that school is now irrelevant, but if you happen to be absent, or want to get ahead, or don't have access to a competent teacher, your life is much easier now than it was at any time in the past.  The links below will be useful essential in my Algebra class, and are also just amazing examples of how the internet will change education. Open Source Text Book: Not going to be central to my curriculum, but it can't hurt if a student is absent. and of course, see how my old curriculum and the Kahn curriculum overlap.